The Creator created the (female) Electric Universe and the (male) Ordered Magnetism.
The Ordered Magnetism, Demiurge, is the Muon-Tau caused by the Electric Universe setting
part of herself in anti-parallel (with the assistance of the Creator) to complete the Trinity.
One of the most difficult things about being human is accepting the fact we are only human.
It is the realization of our own vulnerabilities, and the realization that the Forces of Nature
are vastly more powerful than we are. That should not be surprising, as the Forces of Nature
were fashioned by the Demiurge to create us. Either that is true, or we are simply bi-products.
Remember, living beings are minute, reticulated refringences of vastly greater entities.
Fingerprints and toeprints (nails are NOTs) may represent the secant (female) and cosecant (male) functions.
The whole body muscular flow of the limbs, trunk, torso and chest between the fingers, toes and the head, may
represent the tangent (female) and cotangent (male) functions. The real-plane genitals, contoured by the pubic
symphasis, chest by the armpits and the temples, may represent the sine (female) and cosine (male) functions.
The entire being, male or female, includes the body, fingers-toes, genitals and the head.
Life and Love function better without the desire to possess, which impedes function, Life and Love.
An instance where n binds itself (n/n = 1) is the identity form of recursion - self restraint-preservation.
An instance where n assists itself (n * n, n
2 or n^2) is another form of recursion - selfishness-preservation.
An instance of inversion (1/n) may represemt humility. An instance of rooting, √n, may denote selflessness.
Resonant frequency is selfless, non-aggandizing: Resonant frequency f = 1/(2π√(inductance x capacitance))
Also, the pure (hyperbolic) identity functions are: creator = male - female, and creator = female - male.
(Legitimately, let the exponent,
e+n, equate to the spiritual, and the exponent,
e-n, equate to the material
to get
sinh:½(e+n - e-n) equates to the female, and
cosh:½(e+n + e-n) equates to the male.)
And, yes, the perfect (trigonometric) identity function is: female + male = creator:
x2 + y2 = z2.
Binding Functions
Functions binding functions cause in either direction (L to R or R to L)
ASSUME scalar x:female, y:male, z:nature and/or others, /:bound by
sin / sin = 1 |
tan / sin = sec |
sec / sin = z2 / xy |
sin / cos = tan |
tan / cos = yz / x2 |
sec / cos = z2 / x2 |
sin / tan = cos |
tan / tan = 1 |
sec / tan = csc |
sin / cot = y2 / zx |
tan / cot = y2 / x2 |
sec / cot = zy / x2 |
sin / sec = yx / z2 |
tan / sec = sin |
sec / sec = 1 |
sin / csc = y2 / z2 |
tan / csc = y2 / xz |
sec / csc = tan |
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
cos / sin = cot |
cot / sin = xz / y2 |
csc / sin = z2 / y2 |
cos / cos = 1 |
cot / cos = csc |
csc / cos = z2 / yx |
cos / tan = x2 / zy |
cot / tan = x2 / y2 |
csc / tan = zx / y2 |
cos / cot = sin |
cot / cot = 1 |
csc / cot = sec |
cos / sec = x2 / z2 |
cot / sec = x2 / yz |
csc / sec = cot |
cos / csc = xy / z2 |
cot / csc = cos |
csc / csc = 1 |
* Female whole body bound by female whole body results in itself.
* Female whole body bound by female genitals results in female fingers-toes.
* Female whole body bound by female fingers-toes results in female genitals.
* Female genitals bound by female genitals results in itself.
* Female genitals bound by female whole body results in male genitals.
* Female genitals bound by female fingers-toes rersults in male assisted by female, bound by hyperbolic nature.
* Female fingers-toes bound by female fingers-toes results in itself.
* Female fingers-toes bound by female whole body results in male fingers-toes.
* Female fingers-toes bound by female genitals results in hyperbolic nature, bound by female assisted by male.
* Female whole body bound by male whole body results in hyperbolic male, bound by hyperbolic female.
* Female whole body bound by male genitals results in male assisted by nature, bound by hyperbolic female.
* Female whole body bound by male fingers-toes results in hyperbolic male, bound by female assisted by nature.
* Female genitals bound by male whole body results in hyperbolic male, bound by nature assisted by female.
* Female genitals bound by male genitals results in female whole body.
* Female genitals bound by male fingers-toes results in hyperbolic male bound by hyperbolic nature.
* Female fingers-toes bound by male whole body results in nature assisted by male, bound by hyperbolic female.
* Female fingers-toes bound by male genitals results in hyperbolic nature bound by hyperbolic female.
* Female fingers-toes bound by male fingers-toes results in female whole body.
* Male whole body bound by male whole body results in itself.
* Male whole body bound by male genitals results in male fingers-toes.
* Male whole body bound by male fingers-toes results in male genitals.
* Male genitals bound by male genitals results in itself.
* Male genitals bound by male whole body results in female genitals.
* Male genitals bound by male fingers-toes rersults in female assisted by male, bound by hyperbolic nature.
* Male fingers-toes bound by male fingers-toes results in itself.
* Male fingers-toes bound by male whole body results in female fingers-toes.
* Male fingers-toes bound by male genitals results in hyperbolic nature, bound by male assisted by female.
* Male whole body bound by female whole body results in hyperbolic female, bound by hyperbolic male.
* Male whole body bound by female genitals results in female assisted by nature, bound by hyperbolic male.
* Male whole body bound by female fingers-toes results in hyperbolic female, bound by male assisted by nature.
* Male genitals bound by female whole body results in hyperbolic female, bound by nature assisted by male.
* Male genitals bound by female genitals results in male whole body.
* Male genitals bound by female fingers-toes rersults in hyperbolic female bound by hyperbolic nature.
* Male fingers-toes bound by female whole body results in nature assisted by female, bound by hyperbolic male.
* Male fingers-toes bound by female genitals results in hyperbolic nature bound by hyperbolic male.
* Male fingers-toes bound by female fingers-toes results in male whole body.
Assisting Functions
Any function assisted by its reciprocal produces an identity.
Functions assisting functions cause in either direction (L to R or R to L)
ASSUME vector x:female, y:male, z:nature and/or others, *:assisted by
sin * sin = 0 + y2 * (1/z2) |
tan * sin = y2 * (1/(x*z)) |
sec * sin = tan |
sin * cos = y * x * (1/z2) |
tan * cos = sin |
sec * cos = 1 |
sin * tan = y2 * (1/(z*x)) |
tan * tan = 0 + y2 * (1/x2) |
sec * tan = z * y * (1/x2) |
sin * cot = cos |
tan * cot = 1 |
sec * cot = csc |
sin * sec = tan |
tan * sec = y * z * (1/x2) |
sec * sec = 0 + z2 * (1/x2) |
sin * csc = 1 |
tan * csc = sec |
sec * csc = z2 * (1/(x*y)) |
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
cos * sin = x * y * (1/z2) |
cot * sin = cos |
csc * sin = 1 |
cos * cos = 0 + x2 * (1/z2) |
cot * cos = x2 * (1/(y*z)) |
csc * cos = cot |
cos * tan = sin |
cot * tan = 1 |
csc * tan = sec |
cos * cot = x2 * (1/(z*y)) |
cot * cot = 0 + x2 * (1/y2) |
csc * cot = z * x * (1/y2) |
cos * sec = 1 |
cot * sec = csc |
csc * sec = z2 * (1/(y*x)) |
cos * csc = cot |
cot * csc = x * z * (1/y2) |
csc * csc = 0 + z2 * (1/y2) |
* Female whole body assisted by female whole body results in hyperbolic male, assisted by itself bound by hyperbolic female.
* Female whole body assisted by female genitals results in hyperbolic male, assisted by itself, bound by female assited by nature.
* Female whole body assisted by female fingers-toes results in male assisted by nature, assisted by itself bound by hyperbolic female.
* Female genitals assisted by female genitals results in hyperbolic male, assisted by itself bound by hyperbolic nature.
* Female genitals assisted by female whole body results in hyperbolic male assisted by itself bound by nature assisted by female.
* Female genitals assisted by female fingers-toes rersults in female whole body.
* Female fingers-toes assisted by female fingers-toes results in hyperbolic nature, assisted by itself bound by hyperbolic female.
* Female fingers-toes assisted by female whole body results in nature assisted by male, assisted by itself bound by hyperbolic female.
* Female fingers-toes assisted by female genitals results in female whole body.
* Female whole body assisted by male whole body results in itself.
* Female whole body assisted by male genitals results in female genitals.
* Female whole body assisted by male fingers-toes results in female fingers-toes.
* Female genitals assisted by male genitals results in male assisted by female, assisted by itself bound by hyperbolic nature.
* Female genitals assisted by male whole body results in male genitals.
* Female genitals assisted by male fingers-toes results in itself.
* Female fingers-toes assisted by male fingers-toes results in hyperbolic nature, assisted by itself, bound by female assisted by male.
* Female fingers-toes assisted by male whole body results in male fingers-toes.
* Female fingers-toes assisted by male genitals results in itself.
* Male whole body assisted by male whole body results in hyperbolic female, assisted by itself bound by hyperbolic male.
* Male whole body assisted by male genitals results in hyperbolic female, assisted by itself, bound by male assited by nature.
* Male whole body assisted by male fingers-toes results in female assisted by nature, assisted by itself bound by hyperbolic male.
* Male genitals assisted by male genitals results in hyperbolic female, assisted by itself bound by hyperbolic nature.
* Male genitals assisted by male whole body results in hyperbolic female assisted by itself bound by nature assisted by male.
* Male genitals assisted by male fingers-toes rersults in male whole body.
* Male fingers-toes assisted by male fingers-toes results in hyperbolic nature, assisted by itself bound by hyperbolic male.
* Male fingers-toes assisted by male whole body results in nature assisted by female, assisted by itself bound by hyperbolic male.
* Male fingers-toes assisted by male genitals results in male whole body.
* Male whole body assisted by female whole body results in itself.
* Male whole body assisted by female genitals results in male genitals.
* Male whole body assisted by female fingers-toes results in male fingers-toes.
* Male genitals assisted by female whole body results in female genitals.
* Male genitals assisted by female genitals results in female assisted by male, assisted by itself bound by hyperbolic nature.
* Male genitals assisted by female fingers-toes rersults in itself.
* Male fingers-toes assisted by female genitals results in itself.
* Male fingers-toes assisted by female whole body results in female fingers-toes.
* Male fingers-toes assisted by female fingers-toes results in hyperbolic nature, assisted by itself, bound by male assisted by female.
Please remember four things to make all this work:
Never think you know everything (from a Viet Nam Veteran).
Do not aggrandize yourself with what you do know.
Use what you know for the good of yourself as
well as for others (take your own medicine).
Don't let your love turn to hate (or fear).