To Cocoa Beach Officers G. Ogden and L. Keene, in-(your)-form-ant H. Koons, DEA Agent Wheeler:
I know you have my RECORD BOOK. Your report concerning someone stealing items from
my apartment states, "WHICH HE ALWAYS LEFT OPEN!", a false, exculpatory statement
comparing my apartment to the Southern Border and justifying trespassing by anyone.
The capitalization and emphasis are yours. Might your statement have come from
the fact the suspect was an attractive female, and that you recorded spending
over an hour and a half "searching" her 600 square foot apartment with her present?
Your undercover employee confronted me with trick questions concerning topice of
no legal bearing, but which nobody without my diary would have known. You stink.
Are those your shoes?  "Guess what? While you were busy, I taped a picture of
myself to yer butts. Don't believe me? Just look and see. Didja git 'im?
(Don't fart or the tape will blow off in yer face.)
u-sed? (SED are the female's initials.)
Now, she's a u-sed tire. Estamos leyendo.
What's that you say?, "While you... we'll just...
(same as most government, banking and clery types say).
You presume on our consent, thus forgetting your oath to protect our right not to.
The border is wide open, shops are openly looted, and businesses are suffering
smash-and-grab, yet all you can say is, "We'll jes crawl up yer (blink, blink)
it's dark as a mutherf**ker in here! (sniff, sniff, pinch nose) Damn."
Well, Dick, there's something hangin' outta yer butt, Welax, Elmer P(u)D,
it's only you, Mr. Happy: cop + flow = cowflop.

P.S. I have sent your department two emails concerning this issue.
I have received no response from you. I visited your department, and
an officer lied to me no property was recovered. Thinking "We gave it back'
does not give it back. Thinking or saying that admits you have it. Saying or
thinking "Then we get more" justifies more evil than you are worth. You present
your bodies of turning in corruption.
But, that is what you do to cover your having fulfilled every cop's dream.
That is, getting a beautiful, intimidated, ignorant-of-her-rights female in isolation.
Keene is a cuck, Koons is a slimy snake, (h)Ogden is a pig with scrambled eggs for brains
and Wheeler is a turd from DEA. Isn't that the same agent who sent 17 year old
Rachel Hoffman to her death in a failed drug sting?

Are you, Wheeler, trying to send people for your name sake? You know, so
you can stir them up, borrow from them and "drive the demons out of them"
from behind?  You try to tie into us and whisper you are staying in your "lain"?
Do you "stalk" us. Everytime you "send" someone and try to be "with (con)" them,
they get your "consent". We are not wheat, wheeler. Stick to your tires.

Oh! A few days ago, a lady-friend of mind was given a ticket by Cocoa Beach
Parking Enforcement for parking at her friend's house, behind a "Watch for
Pedestrians" sign. He said the diamond shape sign was a right-of way sign.
She argued, correctly, that it was only a warning sign as defined on FDOT's
website. The Enforcement agent got beligerent, so she called the Cocoa Beach
Police. The officer who arrived did not know what the sign meant, so he called
his chief, who also did not know. She was issued the ticket and had to go online
to arrange her own court date. The judge immediately dismissewd the charge.
The police here and elsewhere appear to get dumber and less competent.
That is dangerous.